April 16, 2015 Current Events, Domestic Violence and Disabilities 0 Comments

The FACSA Foundation and Daimon Glenn are partnering to present the Global Pop Up Art project, April 25, 2015, online, with your help, by sharing the stories of survivors, art, music, dance, film, poetry, writing, photography, and other forms of art to express the pain we have endured so long; to give power to the voices who have been silent for so long.

Global Pop Up States: We are not just asking for people to share their stories and art. We are giving people the chance to be heard and to heal…. By sharing their stories, they are inspiring others to share theirs and heal, as well. In doing so, we have to educate the educators. We have to provide more sentencing and enforce the laws we have. We need to restructure the judicial and mental health systems and design better programs to meet the current needs of survivors of trauma. We all have trauma in our lives, whether we are survivor’s of sexual assault, veterans, law enforcement, or living every day life. We will have to provide funding for judicial and mental health programs to provide a better society and safer environments to children. Your voice is more powerful than you can imagine. Together, we can move mountains.
Connie Lee/Founder/President/FACSAFoundation.org


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