Angela’s Journey: Working With The OT Team At Barrier Free Living’s Secret Garden DV Program
Angela began counseling at Barrier Free Living’s Secret Garden community-based domestic violence program in 2014, and soon after began exploring the rich opportunities offered through the agency’s Occupational Therapy (OT) department.
“Through the help of the occupational therapy team I gained courage and became more open to change,” says Angela, who has a visual impairment. “They provided a safe zone for me to be around people who have the best interest for my well-being while also teaching me tools to cope with different triggers in my life.”
Angela worked one-on-one with the OT team, learning stress management breathing techniques to increase her confidence. She also identified new life goals and worked with the OT team to improve her time management and computer skills.
“Occupational therapy helped me learn to believe in myself, and pushed me a step further to do things I didn’t think I was able to do. I am able to go out and do things like get a library card and go to the library, which I wasn’t able to before,” says Angela.
Over the past few years, Angela has made great strides through her work with the OT team, stating that “occupational therapy made the impossible possible for me. “
To learn more about Barrier Free Living, and the OT [email protected]
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