January 19, 2017 Our Stories Tags: , 1 Comment
LeShan Gaulman with Transitional Housing Director of Social Services Felipe Sepulveda

Team members at two Barrier Free Living programs are adding educational related activities to their agendas this winter.

LeShan Gaulman, program director at the agency’s Transitional Housing program for formerly homeless people with disabilities, has begun teaching Introduction to Social Work at Lehman College.


“It has always been my desire to teach on a collegiate level, it was all part of my career path, ” says LeShan. “Time management will be an important factor in this process. I know that it will be a juggle, but I’m a juggler, so it will all get done.”

Linette Holmes, Resident Aide Manager at the agency’s Freedom House domestic violence shelter started as a freshman this January at Metropolitan College.

Linette Holmes

“I’m studying to get an Associates Degree in Human Services. I chose to go back to school because I wanted a degree to go with the almost 7 years of experience that I have working here and to make myself more marketable.,” says Linette. “BFL is growing bigger and bigger and I hope to grow with it. I did a lot of research when making my decision to go to college. I found a school that works with my schedule and I have an amazing supervisor (Myra Ricard) who is supportive of my endeavors. In managing school and a very demanding job, I will take it one day at a time, ask for support when I need it, and my Google Calendar will be my best friend!”

1 Comment

  1. Julianne Combs 8 years Reply

    I live in Oregon do you know of any grants available I am domestic abuse victim . I have PTSD and I would like to get started helping other women children over come the struggles
    of daily life. with healthy skills . I would like to first focus on the family courts. Where I have
    so many road blocks . I ve have been in court family court going on seven years. Let me know any thing that might help me get this going . Just want to help other s to move in the right ways . I have tons of research over the last seven years.

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