July 21, 2014 Advocacy 0 Comments

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has announced that its members will vote on whether to send the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Disabilities Treaty) to the full Senate on July 22!

Contact your Senators and ask them to support ratification (passage) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Disabilities Treaty).

Click here to contact your Senators:

Once passed out of committee, we want the treaty to be considered by all Senators the last week of July.

The Disabilities Treaty is a UN human rights treaty that promotes the ideals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) around the world. The treaty sets out the obligations of countries that ratify it to promote, protect, fulfill, and ensure the rights of people with disabilities. To date, 158 nations have signed the treaty, including the United States, and 147 nations have ratified it.

Our Position
We believe the United States must ratify the CRPD to reinforce our leadership in the promotion of opportunities for people with disabilities around the world. Our nation established its leadership on disability rights through the passage of the ADA. In order to continue that leadership, the United States must once again act to promote the rights of people with disabilities.

Your voice means more now than ever before! Contact your Senators and ask them to support ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Disabilities Treaty).
Click here to take action.

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