Disabled get help to escape home violence
A story in the Sydney Morning Herlad reports that: The mother-of-two decided to seek help when she found herself on the floor with hundreds of splinters in her back, unable to walk after being beaten with a mallet and with a raging ex-partner smashing every window in the house.
Laura Williams* endured a decade of physical and emotional abuse from her former partner, who punched her in front of her disabled son, hit her with tent poles and eventually disabled her. She has not been able to walk since her former partner smashed a door on her tiny body while breaking into the house where their two children slept.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/disabled-get-help-to-escape-home-violence-20130817-2s3yj.html#ixzz2cQgBKXol
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