Domestic Violence Bride’s March Sept. 26
The Fourteenth Annual Gladys Ricart and Victims of Domestic Violence Memorial Walk/Brides’ March is being held Friday, September 26, 2014
The Brides March site states: If you or someone you know have been touched by family violence or you denounce this antisocial behavior and crime, we invite you to join the 14th Annual Gladys Ricart and Victims of Domestic Violence Memorial Walk/Brides’ March, on Friday, September 26, 2014.
Gathering will begin at 8:00am at the Fort Washington Heights Presbyterian Church, located at 21 Wadsworth Avenue, corner of West 174th Street in Washington Heights, New York. The Opening/Invocation Ceremony will take place at 9am, and the approximate seven mile walk begins at 10:30am sharp.
The March will end at the East Harlem Children’s Aid Center 130 East 101 Street, El Barrio/East Harlem, New York, between Lexington and Park Ave. The Center’s doors will open at 2pm for the public and the press. The marchers are expected to arrive at approximately 2:45pm. The Closing/Benediction Ceremony begins at approximately 3:45pm and concludes by 5pm. You can also join the March from anywhere along the approximate seven mile route; visit the March Route page for the exact route and an approx time/schedule of the day’s event. Also review the Disclosure page for important information.
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