BFL Codes of Hope Graduation Event
CODES OF HOPE, an innovative six-week curriculum highlighting the aspects of inter-generational trauma and its relationship to domestic violence, held a graduation event for participants from BFL’s Secret Garden and Freedom House programs.
Marcella Goheen and Thea Martinez are co-facilitators of CODES OF HOPE. Activities include inventive approaches to healing, such as a dinner party theater game exploring the dynamics of power and control.Inspired by The Maria Project’s story of Maria Salazar, the CODES OF HOPE curriculum reflects an interdisciplinary approach of mapping a survivor’s story, while supporting a peer-to-peer model of intervention and prevention of domestic violence.
CODES OF HOPE will culminate with a survivor’s handbook (to be distributed October of 2014) which will include participants writings.
The Maria Project, through federal funding from the Office of Women’s Health, Region II, is implementing the CODES OF HOPE curriculum.
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