April 10, 2017 Advocacy, Current Events, Domestic Violence and Disabilities Tags: 0 Comments


Team members from Barrier Free Living’s Freedom House domestic violence shelter will be at the International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Systems Change in April.

Cynthia Amodeo and Aida Colon of Freedom House will present “Barriers to Seeking Safety.” Freedom House team member Myra Ricard will be attending. (Top photo: Colon, Amodeo and Ricard, left to right).

The conference’s focus is on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking and elder abuse.


Presenters and attendees include law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, health care professionals, faith community members, educators, researchers and others in this three day conference highlighting promising practices and emerging issues to effectively respond to these crimes in all of our communities.

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