Gleasons Gym Calls for Artists!
The famed Gleason’s Gym, which supports many causes through the year, has put out a call for ‘All Artists needed for Art Festival ‘ Artists Wanted! Twenty Six have signed up so far.The Annual DUMBO Art Under The Bridge Festival will be held September 28 through 30, 2012.Over 150,000 visitors will come to DUMBO for this festival.
You can be part of it or you can just come and enjoy it. Gleason’s Gym will close for workouts on Saturday and Sunday and will open as an Art Gallery. In the past we have had over 100 artists show their creations. All Medium of Art is welcome. We have had painters, photographers, sculptors, illustrators, authors, furniture makers and vocalists. The only requirement is that the art has something to do with boxing.
Gleason’s Gym will pay all fees associated with the show and you keep 100% of what you sell. If you are interested in being part of this event and would like to show and sell your work, call the gym at 718 797 2872 or email us.
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