January 25, 2019 Advocacy, Current Events, Disability News 2 Comments

NYC Women & Teen Girls with Disabilities:  Upskilling Training Program

Training program for women and teen girls with disabilities in NYC to advance skills in preparation for civic engagement

RespectAbility is on the front lines of advancing the empowerment of women and girls with disabilities. We are passionate about bringing intersectionality into our work, and into the nonprofit sector at-large.

We are excited to announce a new effort to raise the voices, lives and experiences of New York City’s almost 500,000 women and girls with disabilities and empower them to have a better future.

Did you know that:

  • In the NYC metropolitan area, women with a disability earn on average nearly $9,000 less than women without disabilities, and $16,000 per year less than men without a disability.
  • A stunning 44 percent of New York women with disabilities live below the poverty line. In raw numbers, 111,236 women living in New York City ages 21-64 with a disability have an income below the poverty level.
  • In New York, only 29 percent of African American women with disabilities are employed, while only 24 percent of Latina women with disabilities have jobs.

NYC Female Disability Employment Statistics - In Manhattan: 44,816 working-age women with disabilities live here. The average income for these women is $23,715. That's 54% less than women without disabilities. 63% less than men without disabilities. In Brooklyn: 68,541 working-age women with disabilities live here. The average income for these women is $26,566. That's 28% less than women without disabilities. 38% less than men without disabilities. In Queens: 55,535 working-age women with disabilities live here The average income for these women is $24,073 That's 24% less than women without disabilities 36% less than men without disabilities In The Bronx: 67,577 working-age women with disabilities here. The average income for these women is $21,151. That's 10% less than women without disabilities. 29% less than men without disabilities. In Staten Island: 11,030 working-age women with disabilities live here. The average income for these women is $21,151. That's 32% less than women without disabilities. 48% less than men without disabilities.

To change these outcomes, New York women and girls with disabilities need opportunities to make their voices heard, impact their communities and change the City for the better. Thanks to the generous support of the New York Women’s Foundation (NYWF), RespectAbility is launching a Training Program for women and girls with disabilities in New York City. Our goal is to advance skills in preparation for civic engagement.

RespectAbility is working to enable NYC’s women and girls with disabilities to have access to education, training and jobs, just like anyone else. RespectAbility is doing this by recruiting and training individuals with disabilities to share their knowledge, skills and contacts with NYC funders and service providers that need to include and serve women with disabilities.


Important Details for Applicants

  • Excellent communication and organizational skills are strongly preferred, and applicants should exhibit leadership skills to complete their own projects.
  • Commit to participate in one NYC training session.
  • There is no tuition cost to participate.
  • The trainings take place in the NYC area.
  • Your application must explain why this training is of interest to you and why you believe you have the skills, focus and independent drive to make a positive difference in NYC.

This opportunity is for women, girls and gender-fluid applicants who have a visible or invisible disability. Invisible disabilities include, but are not limited to, mental health conditions, chronic pain, TBIs, and learning and attention disabilities.

Accommodations will be provided upon request.



  1. Kimberly Berry 6 years Reply

    Good evening I wanted to learn more about your organization and what they offer. Employment training wise.

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