Moody’s Volunteers At Shelter Wellness Fair
Volunteers from Moody’s served fruit smoothies, made de-stress balls and talked up the benefits of healthy living at Barrier Free Living’s (BFL) Wellness Fair this June.
The FPWA connected the company to BFL, and Moody’s sponsored the fair with a charitable donation. The Moody’s volunteers joined the agency’s Occupational Therapy team which coordinated the event, along with LeShan Gaulman, shelter director.
Activities included chair yoga, booths with information about vitamins, ways to alleviate stress, and smoking cessation, along with a very popular fresh fruit smoothie area.
“Watching the volunteers interacting and sharing information with our shelter residents was incredibly inspiring,” says Scott Hess, BFL Director of Communications. “It was really a joyful event rich in information. Our OT team did a knock out job, and the volunteers brought joy and light to the shelter.”
BFL’s transitional housing program serves formerly homeless people with disabilities.
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