New Director Joins BFL Transitional Housing Team
LeShan Gaulman spent a good deal of time at Barrier Free Living before signing on this January as the new Transitional Housing Program Director.
“For the past three years I have been Independence Care System’s (ICS) Social Service Coordinator for BFL, working on site at BFL’s Transitional Housing Program,” said Leshan, a native of the Bronx and life-time New Yorker. “ICS provides services for the residents that are enrolled and provides long-term managed care for people with disabilities.”
As Social Service Coordinator for ICS at BFL, LeShan worked closely with the former Program Director Cathy Gormley and her team.
“Working with the homeless in my career has given gave me keen insight into the population first hand. And working with BFL gave me a good internal perspective on how the agency works. My transition into this position is quite natural.”
Hitting the ground running, Leshan has set goals to increase housing placements and focus on keeping a positive working relationship between staff and residents.
“I want to run a fluid program,” he said.
In addition to camping and sailing in his free time, Leshan writes, advocating for homeless people with disabilities.
“I’m currently writing an article on the challenges faced by the physically disabled homeless in New York City. I presented the concept at the Social Work Education Council conference last year and hope to publish the piece in 2013.”
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