December 29, 2015 BFL News, Current Events, Domestic Violence and Disabilities, Shelter 0 Comments

Spread The Sparkle hosted a spectacular holiday event for all of Barrier Free Living’s programs this December 25 at a beautiful loft space in Manhattan.

Barrier Free Living works with survivors of domestic violence with disabilities (men, women and children) as well as formerly and currently homeless people with disabilities.

Led by Spread the Sparkle founder Abbey LeVine and over 30 volunteers, the afternoon featured singing, a face painter, a special photo booth, gifts handed out by Santa Claus and gorgeous purses chock full of surprises given to women attending (and gathered by Spread The Sparkle’s Dame Lori Sutherland). Guests from age 4 and up were treated to sumptuous appetizers and a bountiful buffet.

“The man who played Santa was a volunteer whose sister has survived domestic violence,” said Abbey. “He personally donated 20 gifts to the day.”

Spread The Sparkle offers a home for the holidays by creating events focused on celebrating family for individuals and kids who have no prior traditions.


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