Staff Spotlight: Quality Assurance Specialist Dorian Palumbo
A born storyteller, New Jersey native Dorian Palumbo is keen on using data to shape a compelling narrative, a trait that serves her well as Barrier Free Living’s (BFL) new Quality Assurance Specialist.
The Quality Assurance Specialist will ensure that BFL’s program operations fully comply with regulations and procedures set out by regulatory bodies, governmental entities, and funders.
Joining the team in February of 2024, Dorian brings a wealth of life experience to the role, from Wall Street to academia, she’s developed a level of project management expertise through the years. We caught up with her to find out what drew her to BFL.
What drew you to apply to BFL?
A friend of mine was already working at BFL for a number of years, and when the Quality Assurance Specialist spot became available, she thought of me, which was really lucky for me because I’m enjoying being here as much as she does.
What speaks to you about the agency vision?
I’m extremely proud to be working for an organization that helps disabled persons and their families (and pets!) flee domestic violence. As a person with severe mobility issues, I’m personally gratified to be working for a place that understands how inhospitable the world can be for the disabled. I know what it’s like to be treated as if you’re invisible just because you happen to need a wheelchair. I know what it’s like to be housed in a place where you’re treated as a major inconvenience simply because you have needs that others don’t. Barrier Free Living is a place where people come to feel safe, seen, and very much understood, and I’m very glad to be working here.
How will you bring your past expertise to the programs of BFL?
I’m an elder worker, so I’ve certainly been around. I’ve worked in entertainment marketing, in academia, I worked on Wall Street from 1992 through 2018 in various capacities, and only recently worked in not-for-profit. A lot of my skills are related to project management, but I also really enjoy using data to tell a story, and I hope to use those skills to take BFL forward into new and exciting areas of initiative.
Any hobbies or bucket list items to share about?
I’m a screenwriter and a published playwright, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby; basically it’s what I would be doing full-time if I didn’t have to make money in other ways, though BFL is a great place to work. I’ve got a monologue from one of my plays appearing in a new anthology called “Frozen Women/Flowing Thoughts” which is due out sometime in the Winter.
I just finished my second novel and am in the process of trying to find an agent to represent it. As far as my bucket list goes, I’d love to improve my mobility enough to be able to travel by plane again, because I’d love to get back to Scotland. My dream is to retire there; I’ve been over there about five times, and each time I go I meet more lovely people and see more lovely things and I just want to stay.
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