Domestic Violence Brides’ March Sept. 26
The New York Latinas Against Domestic Violence, the family of Gladys Ricart, and the 2012 Brides’ March Organizing Committee will hold the 12th Annual Gladys Ricart and Victims of Domestic Violence Memorial Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at the Fort Washington Heights Presbyterian Church, located at 21 Wadsworth Avenue, corner of West 174th Street in Washington Heights, New York. Gathering begins at 8:00am. The Invocation Ceremony will take place at 9am. The approximate 7mile walk begins at 10:30am sharp.
This annual event began in 2001 to remember Gladys Ricart, who on September 26, 1999 was murdered by her abusive former boyfriend on the day she was to marry her fiancé.For additional information contact Grace Pérez, Brides’ March Coordinator, at 914-213-0316 or at [email protected]
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