Year: 2015
New Start: Resident LeVar Jeffers
We had the honor of visiting Barrier Free Living Apartment resident LeVar Jeffers the day he moved into his new studio. The joy and sense of celebration was palatable.
“I came from the streets. This is a new start to get my life together,” says LeVar.
Now that he has a safe home, LeVar plans to pursue computer repair school and study martial arts… read more
Nuevo comienzo: Residente LeVar Jeffers
Tuvimos el honor de visitar al residente LeVar Jeffers de Barrier Free Living Apartments el día en que se trasladó a su nuevo estudio. La alegría y el sentido de la celebración era apetecible.
"Vine de las calles. Este es un nuevo comienzo para recuperar mi vida", dice LeVar.
Ahora que tiene un hogar seguro, LeVar planea estudiar la reparación de computadoras y estudiar las artes marciales."… read more
HSU Christy Parque Part Of Discussion On MSNBC
The Sergeants Benevolent Association is encouraging officers, along with their friends and family members, to take pictures of homeless New Yorkers and post them online. Christy Parque, Cornell William Brooks, Akhil Reed Amar, and Jeanne Theoharis discuss this campaign and consider more positive alternatives for supporting homeless people… read more
BFL Outreach At Boriken Health Fair
Members of Barrier Free Living's Occupational Therapy team were on hand at the August 10 Boriken Health Fair, sharing information about the agency's programs.
The Health Fair was held at 2265 Third Ave (at 123rd Street) in honor of National Health Center Week. The fair included health screenings, participation by local organizations and featured music and giveaways… read more
Remembering Fred Scaglione, Founder Editor New York Nonprofit Press (NYNP)
In a message to members, Allison Sesso | Executive Director, Human Services Council honored and celebrated the life of Fred Scaglione.
Sesso wrote:
"It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Fred Scaglione, founder and editor of the New York Nonprofit Press (NYNP). Fred had been quietly battling cancer for some time and passed away earlier this week. We understand there will be services on Saturday, August 15th in, or near, his home town in Chatam, NY. We will send… read more
The Giving Group Hosts Holiday In July At Freedom House
Inspired by "A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World" Julie Pasqual and some friends created "The Giving Group" and set out to turn their compassionate energy outward.
Their generosity found a home at BFL's Freedom House this summer, where the group created a "Holiday in July" party for the domestic violence shelter's families. Pasqual has been donating her time doing yoga classes at Freedom… read more
The Giving Group Organiza Un Día de Fiesta en Julio en Freedom House
Inspirados por el libro, "A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World", Julie Pasqual y algunos amigos crearon "The Giving Group" y se dispusieron a desviar su energía compasiva hacia afuera.
Su generosidad encontró un hogar en Freedom House de BFL este verano, donde el grupo creó un "Un Día de Fiesta en Julio" para las familias del refugio de violencia doméstica. Pasqual ha estado donando su tiempo impartiendo clases de yoga en Freedom House durante… read more
Summer Streets Includes Accessible Hand-Cycle And Adaptive Soccer
Summer Streets is DOT’s annual celebration of New York City’s most valuable public space—our streets. On three consecutive Saturdays in August, nearly seven miles of NYC's streets are opened for people to play, run, walk and bike. Summer Streets provides space for healthy recreation for New Yorkers, their friends and family. In 2014, more than 300,000 people took advantage of the open streets.
Summer Streets extends from the Brooklyn Bridge… read more
Braille Smart Watch Debuts
Geek News reports: For all the technological advancements we’re seeing in this digital age, little consideration has been given to those who cannot see what appears on a smooth, pixelated screen. There’s text-to-speech and the spotty accuracy of Siri commands, but the lack of devices supporting Braille and their cost, which can be upwards of $3,000, has hampered literacy among the blind community.
However, a South Korean start-up company wants to change the statistics and empower the visually impaired with Braille-supported… read more
United Spinal Association Roll-In Protests Uber Lack Of Accessibility
The United Spinal Association and other disability advocates held a roll-in on Thursday, July 30 at noon in front of Uber’s Manhattan office.
The United Spinal Association reports that: Uber has not one wheelchair-accessible taxi, even though it has more than 19,000 vehicles in New York City.*
They are asking Uber to stop discriminating against the community in New York City and nationwide.
* UberWAV is not a provider of accessible taxi services. It merely forwards your request for an accessible taxi to non-Uber companies… read more
Artists on Wheels Exhibition Windows to the World
The ICS Artists on Wheels Gallery is featuring an exhibit at 25 Elm Place, 5th Floor (between Livingston & Fulton Streets), Downtown Brooklyn.
The ICS Artists on Wheels Gallery and Creative Writing Circle programs provide free classes, materials and studio space to any New York City resident with a physical disability. The program works with New Yorkers whose lives have been changed forever by a stray bullet, a stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, an accident or… read more
Gaining Access: The NYC Disability Rights Movement
In celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the passing of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the "Gaining Access: The New York City Disability Rights Movement" exhibition looks at the growth of the Disabilities Rights Movement in New York City.
Gaining Access" is curated by historian Warren Shaw, and presented in partnership between the Brooklyn Historical Society and the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities. It will run through October 23, 2015 at the Brooklyn Historical Society.
The Brooklyn Historical Society… read more
ReelAbilities Hosts Artist Talk With Filmmaker Jason DaSilva
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), led by the NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, BRIC FLIXis very proud to announce its partnership with ReelAbilities. The nation's largest disability film festival, ReelAbilities is dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of the lives, stories and artistic expressions of people with different disabilities.
On Tuesday, June 9 at 7PM, JCC Manhattan, ReelAbilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival… read more
Volunteers Needed For They Will Surf Again Rockaway Beach NY
Life Rolls On needs volunteers in four different roles. Please read through these roles before signing up!
Saturday July 18 2015 / 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Early Morning Set-up, 6:30 am to 8:00 am
Don't have time to spend the whole day at an event? No problem! Volunteer for Early Morning Set-up. This role is so sets the tone for the whole event, helping it… read more
Disability. Dance. Artistry.
Join keynote speaker Simi Linton and leaders in the dance and disability communities to discuss the state of the art form. What are the opportunities for educating, developing, collaborating with and presenting disabled artists? How can disability advance innovation, excellence, and impact in dance?
This free, day-long series of convening focuses on a future for dance created and experienced with disabled New Yorkers. Commemorating the 25th anniversary year of the Americans… read more
Bryant Park Summer Films Accessible Options
The HBO Bryant Park Summer Film Festival, with flicks ranging from the cheeky classic The Poseidon Adventure to Director Terrence Malick's masterful debut film Badlands, has accessible options available for visitors
A Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) service provides open-captions and Assistive Listening Devices are available for each film. visitors are asked to go to the projection trailer on the Upper Terrace for more information… read more
NYC Parks ADA25 Movie Nights in the Park: Invitation to Dance
Come celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with NYC Parks!
In Invitation to Dance 23-year-old Simi Linton was injured while hitchhiking to Washington to protest the war in Vietnam. Suddenly a young disabled college student, she confronted discrimination she couldn't have imagined before. Simi emerges as a resourceful activist, and in time realizes that love, sexuality, and dance can once again be central to her life.
McCarren Park, Brooklyn NY.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Info. here.… read more
De Blasio Declares July ‘Disability Pride Month’
The NY Daily News Reports: In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, Mayor de Blasio is declaring July as “Disability Pride Month” and hosting a parade to commemorate the landmark legislation.
The month-long commemoration and the parade will be annual occurrences on the city calendar, the mayor’s press office said.
U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin, the Iowa Democrat who authored the ADA, will be the July 12th parade’s grand marshal… read more
FPWA Ribbon Cutting
On Monday, June 29th, FPWA hosted a Ribbon Cutting and Open House to welcome member agencies, elected officials, partners and friends to its new office and conference center.
Special guests Mayor Dinkins; Deputy Mayor Richard Buery; Craig McKay, Chair of the FPWA Board Real Estate Committee; Jeremy Kohomban of Children's Village, a founding FPWA Member Agency; Jeffrey Lee of the New York City Economic Development Corporation; FPWA Faith & Justice Fellow Pastor Brian Ellis Gibbs; and representatives from the Governor's Office, Senator Squadron's… read more
ICS Windows To The World Art Show
Independence Care System's (ICS) Windows To The World art show opens Friday, July 10 from 3pm to 8pm in Brooklyn, NY.
The exhibition and reception are free and open to the public. The event is held at ICS Brooklyn at 25 Elm Place, 5th Fl. Photo at top: artist Annalisa Rivera. Photo below: artist Keisha Hinds. Photo featured on Pressroom page, top: Kem Rambharose.
RSVP: 877-8427 or [email protected].
The ICS Artists… read more
BFL Supportive Housing Team At 40th Precinct Fellowship Breakfast
BFL's Supportive Housing team attended the 40th Precinct Community Council Annual Fellowship Breakfast.
Also in attendance were: Gabriel De Jesus, 40th Precinct Community Council President; Aurelia Greene, Deputy Borough President; George Rodriguez, Community Board 1 President; Lorenzo Johnson, Deputy Inspector 40th Precinct.
The 40th Precinct Community Council Fellowship Breakfast 2015 Honorees were:
NYPD Awards :
PO Omar Habib
PO Rostislav Kipervaser
PO Donald Sehl
PO Fabio Checo
PO Moises Garcia
PO Thomas Warkenthein
PO Raymond Gonzalez
PO Danny Lopez
Leuitenant Besemah Rogers
PO Reina Marrero
Community Awards Honorees:
Alice Simmons- Community Board #1 Member
Elizabeth… read more
Former BFL OT Student Donates To Freedom House
Former BFL Occupational Therapy Intern Leatal Cohen and her husband Eleor gave back this month, donating supplies for the Freedom House shelter's Spa Day events.… read more
BFL Supportive Housing Apartments Accepting Applications
Barrier Free Living's Supportive Housing program in the Bronx continues to accept applications as the facility moves toward an opening date.
There are 50 units of Family Supportive Housing and 70 units of Single’s Supportive Housing.
Learn more.… read more
Secret Garden Caregivers Celebration
Barrier Free Living's Secret Garden Domestic Violence program held a Caregivers Celebration on June 18.
The event was to honor "all caregivers--parents, family, friends and foremost all the people who have cared for us and our ability to care for ourselves."
Program Director Georgette Delinois (pictured at far left) kicked off the program which include an interpretive dance performance, a display of crochet work and a lunch buffet.… read more
Campaign 4 NY/NY Housing Rally
The Campaign 4 NY/NY Housing held a rally Friday, June 12th at 11:00am at Governor’s Cuomo’s NYC office (633 Third Avenue –between 40th & 41st Streets) in support of a new statewide supportive housing agreement.
BFL's new Supportive Housing team attended. Pictured, from left are Program Director Thomas Obrzut and Director of Social Services Denise Shaw
The Campaign is calling 35,000 units of supportive housing for individuals and families with special needs over the next 10… read more
Secret Garden Creates Domestic Violence Informational Video In American Sign Language
Barrier Free Living's Secret Garden domestic violence program has filmed a video in American Sign Language to explain domestic violence and inform survivors with hearing loss how to seek assistance.
Development of this video is an activity of BFL's 2012 Office on Violence Against Women disability grant program award, which focuses on building capacity to serve Deaf and Hard of Hearing survivors.
Above photo: Secret Garden intern Morgane Vincent… read more
Aon Global Service Day 2015 At BFL
Working with the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, BFL welcomed 24 volunteers to the Transitional Housing program as part of Aon Global Service Day on June 11, 2015.
The hard-working volunteers painted and refurbished a lounge… read more
Designer Kyle Timothy Blood Supports AON Global Service Day Project At BFL
Renowned interior designer Kyle Timothy Blood is contributing his expertise to the Aon Global Service Day staff lounge rennovation project at Barrier Free Living on June 11.
Inspired by the agency's mission and the passion of it's hard-working team, Kyle and junior designer Haylee Ressa took on the project, supporting the work of Aon Global Service Day. In 2014, Aon colleagues around the world united to support local charities during the firm’s annual day of volunteerism, with over 170 charities… read more
BFL Continues Value Driven Work Around Anger
In line with the BFL core value, that "Healthy expression of all emotions, including anger, is respected" Barrier Free Living continues its work with staff and shelter residents on expressing anger in a productive way.
Anger Specialist Anne Markowitz, LCSW (pictured) is guiding the work this summer.
View our Mission, Vision and Values here.… read more
Deloitte Impact Day Volunteers At BFL Shelter
As part of Deloitte Impact Day 2015, volunteers painted and spruced up the computer room at Barrier Free Living's Transitional Housing shelter for people with disabilities.
The room is used by the shelter's 48 residents for computer training and for fellowship. Volunteers, guided by Facility Manager David Rodriguez and Development Manager Scott Hess , painted the… read more