Category: Shelter
Second Chance Toys & Teens With Hatch and SheKnows Media Donate Toys to BFL Apartments Kids
Second Chance Toys & a group of teens with Hatch and SheKnows Media delivered toys to the kids of BFL Apartments this March.
The teens brought pizza and cupcakes and delivered the toys to children living at the complex… read more
David Kwon: Empleado Destacado de Barrier Free Living Apartments
David Kwon recientemente se unió al equipo Barrier Free Living Apartments. Originario de Seúl, Corea, David comparte con nosotros lo que lo atrajo a la agencia, sus metas como trabajador social frente a la falta de vivienda y su amor por los videojuegos.
BFL: Gracias David por tomarse el tiempo para platicar. ¿Puede decirme un poco sobre su historia, qué le llevó a trabajar en servicios sociales?
David: Nací en… read more
David Kwon: Barrier Free Living Apartments Staff Spotlight
David Kwon recently joined the Barrier Free Living Apartments team. Originally from Seoul, Korea, David shares with us what drew him to the agency, his goals as a social worker addressing homelessness, and his love for video games.
BFL: David thanks for taking the time to chat. Can you tell me a bit about your history, what led you to work in social services?
David: I was born in Seoul… read more
Freedom House Book Fair: Today’s Readers,Tomorrow’s Leaders
Freedom House Emergency Domestic Violence shelter hosted a book fair for young residents in January, trumpeting the call that "Today's Readers will be Tomorrow's Leaders."
The fair, which drew shelter residents aged 4 to 12, was made possible due to an In-Kind donation of dozens of books, workbooks and other literature. Children shared ideas and perused books, discussing the merits of reading. The event was led by the… read more
Independent Care Systems Article Asks: Why Barrier Free Living?
In the thought provoking article, Why Barrier Free Living, Christofer Pierson, Director of Member Communications at Independent Care Systems offers insights into Barrier Free Living's long, successful history working with people with disabilities and survivors of domestic violence with disabilities.
Read the article here.… read more
Haircut 100: Volunteer Barber At Barrier Free Living Transitional Housing Shelter
Barrier Free Living's (BFL) Occupational Therapy team kicked off the new year with a grooming program for residents at the Transitional Housing Shelter.
Barber Nicholas Naranjo (pictured with resident Carlos Cano) stopped by and set up shop, performing sharp cuts on residents the first week of January.
The Occupational Therapy team works… read more
La Historia de Olga: De la Casa de la Libertad a los Apartamentos BFL Un Camino de Esperanza
El día en que Olga encontró un resguardo seguro para ella y sus tres hijos en el refugio de Violencia Doméstica Freedom House de Barrier Free Living, es un momento que ella siempre apreciará.
Ese momento, sin embargo, fue sólo el comienzo de una camino que tomaría varios giros en los próximos años.
"Mi abusador me golpeó muy mal en la calle. La policía vino y lo llevó a la… read more
Olga’s Story: From Freedom House To BFL Apartments A Journey Of Hope
The day Olga found safe haven at Barrier Free Living's Freedom House Domestic Violence Shelter for herself and her three children is a moment she will forever cherish.
That moment, however, was only the beginning of a journey that would take several twists over the next several years.
"My abuser beat me up very bad on the street. The police came and took him to jail. That was in 2012,"… read more
Barrier Free Living Apartments Holiday Event
Barrier Free Living Apartments, which opened summer of 2015, held its first tenant holiday event this December.
Families who attended made holiday cards and other crafts before food was served. A volunteer singer performed.
The room was decorated by the Tenants Association and the event was made possible in part due to a generous GoFundMe campaign coordinated by a… read more
Freedom House Holiday Event With Mrs. New York
Mrs. New York Alison Trenk made a surprise call to Freedom House Emergency Shelter on the day of the holiday party, offering to supply the domestic violence shelter with bags of toys for the children residing there.
Yenely Gomez, Director of Child Care/Recreation at Freedom House, was thrilled to receive the call and even more excited after they arranged for Alison to personally deliver the toys. Alison even allowed several of the kids to wear her crown.
The event, which… read more
Spread The Sparkle Holiday Event For Barrier Free Living Programs
Spread The Sparkle hosted a spectacular holiday event for all of Barrier Free Living's programs this December 25 at a beautiful loft space in Manhattan.
Barrier Free Living works with survivors of domestic violence with disabilities (men, women and children) as well as formerly and currently homeless people with disabilities.
Led by Spread the Sparkle founder Abbey LeVine and over 30 volunteers, the afternoon featured singing, a face painter, a… read more
Celebrate #GivingTuesday Support Kids Like Danielle At Our Domestic Violence Shelter
Support Barrier Free Living this year.
We work with over 140 kids like Danielle, age 13, who did our holiday card art at left. Danielle is a resident at our Freedom House domestic violence shelter.
We also work with current and formerly homeless men and women with disabilities and survivors of domestic violence with disabilities.
DONATE NOW… read more
Berkeley Carroll School Costume Drive Benefits Kids In BFL Domestic Violence Shelters
The Berkeley Carroll School held a Halloween costume drive October 26, collecting trick or treat outfits to donate to the children living at Barrier Free Living's Freedom House Domestic Violence Shelter.
Heather Borstein, who helped organize the drive says "We love the work that BFL does. It's our privilege to help others enjoy Halloween as much as we do."
The costumes will… read more
Barrier Free Living Apartments Ribbon Cutting
New York City’s Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) joined Barrier Free Living (BFL), Alembic Community Development and Foxy Management to celebrate the grand opening of Barrier Free Living Residences for Families and Individuals in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx.
The project reflects the City’s ongoing efforts to expand supportive housing for its most vulnerable residents, and is BFL’s… read more
New Start: Resident LeVar Jeffers
We had the honor of visiting Barrier Free Living Apartment resident LeVar Jeffers the day he moved into his new studio. The joy and sense of celebration was palatable.
“I came from the streets. This is a new start to get my life together,” says LeVar.
Now that he has a safe home, LeVar plans to pursue computer repair school and study martial arts… read more
Nuevo comienzo: Residente LeVar Jeffers
Tuvimos el honor de visitar al residente LeVar Jeffers de Barrier Free Living Apartments el día en que se trasladó a su nuevo estudio. La alegría y el sentido de la celebración era apetecible.
"Vine de las calles. Este es un nuevo comienzo para recuperar mi vida", dice LeVar.
Ahora que tiene un hogar seguro, LeVar planea estudiar la reparación de computadoras y estudiar las artes marciales."… read more
Former BFL OT Student Donates To Freedom House
Former BFL Occupational Therapy Intern Leatal Cohen and her husband Eleor gave back this month, donating supplies for the Freedom House shelter's Spa Day events.… read more
BFL Supportive Housing Apartments Accepting Applications
Barrier Free Living's Supportive Housing program in the Bronx continues to accept applications as the facility moves toward an opening date.
There are 50 units of Family Supportive Housing and 70 units of Single’s Supportive Housing.
Learn more.… read more
Tu-Lu’s Gluten Free Bakery Donates Bread To Transitional Housing Shelter
Tu-Lu's Glutten Free Bakery is donating bread weekly to the Barrier Free Living Transitional Housing shelter.
The program feeds 48 formerly homeless residents with disabilities daily. The kitchen staff welcomed the donation of breads ranging from Honey Oat to Whole Grain Sunflower expressing gratitude for the generosity to the program and its residents.… read more
Peace Of Heart Choir Brings Music & Joy To Freedom House Shelter
The Peace Of Heart Choir performed for the families residing at BFL's Freedom House domestic violence shelter this past holiday season, raising their voices in joyful song.
Read the Peace Of Heart Choir story here.… read more
Star Apartments In LA Will Provide Permanent Housing To 102 Homeless People
ThnkProgress Reports: The Star Apartments on Los Angeles’ Skid Row will provide permanent housing to 102 homeless people and the county agency that works to end homelessness.
More important than the aesthetics is the good the facility will do for its residents and for Skid Row as a whole. It is three times more expensive to leave homeless people on the street than it is to simply give them housing. The stability that a home provides makes it far easier for… read more
April Is Fair Housing Month
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) celebrates Fair Housing Month every April to mark the passage of the Fair Housing Act. This law prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex,disability and family status.
This year's theme is "Fair Housing Is Your Right: Use It!" HUD and communities around the country are recognizing Fair Housing Month by raising awareness about housing rights.
Read more here.… read more
BFL Mission Film Featured As CVS Caremark Grantee Spotlight
Barrier Free Living's mission film, created by filmmaker Blake Drummond, is featured on the CVS Caremark You Tube Page as a Grantee Spotlight.
View the film.
A CVS Caremark Community Grant supports Barrier Free Living and its mission to help people with disabilities reach their fullest potential… read more
Barrier Free Living Shelter Resident Finds Housing & Hope
Gabriel Gonzalez shares how Barrier Free Living helped him get off of the street and find safe, permanent housing, along with hope for the future.… read more
Red Eye Visits Barrier Free Living
Jeremy Reitmaier and Amber Brust of Red Eye visited Barrier Free Living's Transitional Housing program this week, a first step for BFL towards its plans for an agency fund raiser.
The visit included a tour of the program, which offers safe shelter and case management for people with disabilities, as well as a meeting with Transitional Housing resident Gabriel Gonzalez. Gonzalez recently secured permanent housing with the help of BFL housing team… read more
Missouri Store Offers Hope, And Warm Coats, to Homeless
Good News Network Reports: A little store in a Hollister, Missouri shopping center is offering the basic needs -- clothing, hygiene items and baby supplies -- at incredible prices. They're all free.
The shop, called Selfless Blessings, was started by Andrea Berdine after she witnessed a thrift store turning away a man who asked if he could have one of their coats.
Read the story.… read more
Alexis Bittar Benefit For Homeless GLBTQ Youth
2013 ACE Award winning jewelry designer Alexis Bittar hosted a benefit this month for the Ali Forney Center for homeless GLBTQ Youth in NYC.
Attendees included Barrier Free Living 25 Videos of Hope participant singer Mister Padilla, pictured at right with his fiance, writer Culver McCall (Stonewall to Obama), along with BFL Organizational Development Manager Scott Hess.
The mission of the Ali Forney Center is "to protect lesbian… read more
Homeless Services United’s Christy Parque Interview On Aljazeera America
Christy Parque, Executive Director at Homeless Services United was interviewed live on the nationally syndicated show Aljazeera America about the next steps the new administration can take to begin addressing homelessness.
You can view the interview here .… read more
Soul Food Truck Feeds Homeless
DNAInfo New York reports: A food truck fit for the Midtown lunch crowd has started feeding the homeless and hungry in the East Village.
Soul Food Truck, a new initiative of Middle Collegiate Church on Second Avenue and East Seventh Street, serves savory free meals including fried chicken and collard greens to anyone who steps up to its window in Tompkins Square Park on Sunday afternoons.
Read the story.… read more
Court Says New York Neglected Disabled in Emergencies
The New York Times reports: New York City has violated the rights of about 900,000 of its residents with disabilities by failing to accommodate for their needs during emergencies, a federal judge ruled.
The ruling arose from a lawsuit filed in 2011 after Tropical Storm Irene, but came into sharper focus after Hurricane Sandy, when many New Yorkers with disabilities were stranded for days. The judge, Jesse M. Furman of Federal District Court in Manhattan, found that the city, through “benign… read more