Category: Our Stories
BFL Apartments’ Cherita’s Hope & Gratitude
Excerpt from the NYC News Service Project, Nowhere to Go
By Christine Brink
For the first time in a long time, Cherita Barbuto, who suffers from bipolar disorder, counts herself among the lucky ones.
For years, she was homeless, bouncing between jail, shelters and the streets. Now she’s living in a modest Bronx apartment (*Barrier Free Living Apartments), part of a city, state, federal and privately financed program called supportive housing, designed to help get… read more
Pajama Program Donates PJS To Kids At BFL Domestic Violence Programs
The Pajama Program donated over 50 pairs of pajamas to the kids living at Barrier Free Living's domestic violence programs this winter.
The Pajama Program sets a goal for "every child to feel the love and comfort that lets them escape into peaceful sleep, and to awaken empowered with the energy and resilience that can change every one of their days for the better. We accomplish this with the rather… read more
Programa de Pijamas Dona Pijamas a los Niños en los Programas de Violencia Doméstica de BFL
El Programa de Pijamas (The Pajama Program) donó más de 50 pares de pijamas a los niños que viven en los programas de violencia doméstica de Barrier Free Living este invierno.
El Programa de Pijamas establece un objetivo de "permitir a cada niño sentir el amor y la comodidad que le permite escaparse en un sueño pacífico, y despertar con el poder de la energía y la resistencia que… read more
Tenant Advisory Board Elected At Barrier Free Living Apartments
Barrier Free Living Apartments elected the 2017 Tenant Advisory Board this January.
"We want to bring our community together as a whole. Making our environment where we live a better place for all us moving forward. Somewhere we can feel safe and happy to come home to," said Gevenia Hernandez, the newly elected President (photo above). "I would like us to do more plays with the kids, more outings as a community and… read more
Junta Asesora de Inquilinos Elegida en los Barrier Free Living Apartments
Barrier Free Living Apartments eligió la Junta Asesora de Inquilinos del 2017 este mes de enero.
"Queremos reunir a nuestra comunidad en su conjunto. Haciendo nuestro ambiente donde vivimos un lugar mejor para todos nosotros de ahora en adelante. En algún lugar donde nos sentimos seguros y felices al volver a casa", dijo Gevenia Hernández, la Presidente recién electa (foto arriba). "Me gustaría que hiciéramos más obras de teatro con los niños… read more
BFL Team Members Get Involved With Education
Team members at two Barrier Free Living programs are adding educational related activities to their agendas this winter.
LeShan Gaulman, program director at the agency's Transitional Housing program for formerly homeless people with disabilities, has begun teaching Introduction to Social Work at Lehman College.
"It has always been my desire to teach on a collegiate level, it was all part of my career path, " says LeShan. "Time management will be an important factor in this process. I know that it… read more
Los Miembros del Equipo de BFL se Involucran con la Educación
Team members at two Barrier Free Living programs are adding educational related activities to their agendas this winter.
LeShan Gaulman, program director at the agency's Transitional Housing program for formerly homeless people with disabilities, has begun teaching Introduction to Social Work at Lehman College.
"It has always been my desire to teach on a collegiate level, it was all part of my career path, " says LeShan. "Time management will be an important factor in this process. I know that it… read more
Larry Wilson Joins Freedom House Team
Larry Wilson, who recently joined the Freedom House team as a social worker, has always been keen on making a difference.
Wilson, who started his journey with the agency as an intern at Freedom House, is excited to be pursuing his goals and to "learn about family dynamics in the context of trauma." When he's not working, Wilson loves to read, and hopes one day to make it to Burning Man.
We caught up… read more
Larry Wilson Se Une al Equipo de Freedom House
Larry Wilson, quien recientemente se unió al equipo de Freedom House como trabajador social, siempre ha estado interesado en hacer una diferencia.
Wilson, quien comenzó su jornada con la agencia en su practica profesional en Freedom House, está emocionado de seguir sus metas y de "aprender sobre la dinámica familiar en el contexto del trauma". Cuando no está trabajando, a Wilson le encanta leer y espera un día llegar a ir a… read more
BFL Apartments’ Team Works With Tenants To Achieve Dreams
Social workers at the Barrier Free Living Apartments supportive housing complex in the Bronx continue to work with tenants to achieve new life goals in 2017.
David Kwon worked with 4 tenants in 2016, using the crowd funding platform Benevolent. The goal of Benevolent is"to bring dignity and self-determination to both sides of the giving equation, illuminating the realities of life on the edge of sustainability."
Cherita, a 56-year-old BFL Apartments tenant who has overcame the trauma of homelessness, domestic… read more
El Equipo de BFL Apartments Trabaja con los Inquilinos Para Lograr Los Sueños
Los trabajadores sociales del complejo de viviendas de apoyo Barrier Free Living Apartments en el Bronx continúan trabajando con los inquilinos para alcanzar nuevos objetivos de vida en el 2017.
David Kwon trabajó con 4 inquilinos en el 2016, utilizando la plataforma de cooperación colectiva de financiación Benevolent. El objetivo de Benevolent es "traer dignidad y autodeterminación a ambos lados de la ecuación de las donaciones, iluminando las realidades de la vida al borde de la sostenibilidad".
Cherita, una residente… read more
Young Freedom House Resident’s Poem of Hope
A young resident at Barrier Free Living's Freedom House domestic violence shelter shared a poem of hope and healing to start the new year.
The "Silent Girl" is part of a family that experienced domestic violence and abuse prior to finding safe shelter at Freedom House in 2016. The family received therapy and support services and plans to move into a permanent home in 2017.… read more
Spread The Sparkle Holiday Event For Barrier Free Living
Spread The Sparkle hosted a holiday event for Barrier Free Living on December 25, providing a sumptuous dinner buffet, a visit from Santa and gifts for nearly 180 attending.
Tenants of Barrier Free Living apartments, residents of the agency's Freedom House domestic violence shelter and consumers of BFL's Secret Garden domestic violence program attended the festivities. The day's events included a photo booth, Santa Claus, caroling and more.
Spread The… read more
Spread the Sparkle, Evento Festivo Anual de Barrier Free Living
Spread the Sparkle organizó un evento festivo para Barrier Free Living el 25 de diciembre, ofreciendo un suntuoso buffet de cena, una visita de Santa y regalos para casi 180 asistentes.
Los inquilinos de Barrier Free Living Apartments, los residentes del refugio de violencia doméstica de la agencia, Freedom House y los usuarios del programa de violencia doméstica del Secret Garden… read more
Música y Misión
Cuando no está explorando las oportunidades de beneficios y vivienda para los sobrevivientes sordos / con discapacidades auditivas de la violencia doméstica, el Administrador de Casos de Secret Garden probablemente está tocando su saxofón.
Atraído por la misión de Barrier Free Living, en particular el poderoso trabajo de la agencia con sobrevivientes sordos y con discapacidades auditivas, Caelan se unió al equipo el año pasado y arrancó a toda velocidad. Él se tomó… read more
BFL Apartments Launches Tenant Driven Community Newsletter
BFL Apartments has launched a community newsletter, led by tenants and organized by the occupational therapy team and social worker Sam Finan.
The newsletter's first issue is slated to release early fall, and will feature original poetry, listings of area happenings, and community news (including an update on the tenant's garden club, pictured).… read more
BFL Apartments Lanza el Boletín de Noticias Comunitario Dirigido por Inquilinos
BFL Apartments ha lanzado un boletín comunitario dirigido por los inquilinos y organizado por el equipo de terapia ocupacional y el trabajador social Sam Finan.
La primera edición del boletín está programada para salir a principios del otoño, y contará con poesía original, listados de eventos del área y noticias de la comunidad (incluyendo una actualización sobre el club de jardinería del inquilino, en la foto).… read more
El Evento de la Mamá de Spread The Sparkle para Barrier Free Living
Más de 60 residentes, participantes e inquilinos de los programas de violencia doméstica para personas con discapacidades de Barrier Free Living asistieron a un alegre evento por Spread The Sparkle el 8 de mayo para el Día de la Madre.
Celebrada en Home Studios en la ciudad de Nueva York, las madres, los niños y las familias de los programas de BFL fueron tratados a un día de mimos y… read more
Spread The Sparkle Mom Day Event For Barrier Free Living
Over 60 residents, participants and tenants of Barrier Free Living's domestic violence programs for people with disabilities attended a joyous May 8 Spread The Sparkle Mother's Day event.
Held at Home Studios in New York City, mothers, children and families of BFL programs were treated to a day of pampering and appreciation. A buffet lunch was served, the children participated in a talent show, and a special "remember this day"… read more
David Kwon: Empleado Destacado de Barrier Free Living Apartments
David Kwon recientemente se unió al equipo Barrier Free Living Apartments. Originario de Seúl, Corea, David comparte con nosotros lo que lo atrajo a la agencia, sus metas como trabajador social frente a la falta de vivienda y su amor por los videojuegos.
BFL: Gracias David por tomarse el tiempo para platicar. ¿Puede decirme un poco sobre su historia, qué le llevó a trabajar en servicios sociales?
David: Nací en… read more
David Kwon: Barrier Free Living Apartments Staff Spotlight
David Kwon recently joined the Barrier Free Living Apartments team. Originally from Seoul, Korea, David shares with us what drew him to the agency, his goals as a social worker addressing homelessness, and his love for video games.
BFL: David thanks for taking the time to chat. Can you tell me a bit about your history, what led you to work in social services?
David: I was born in Seoul… read more
Devuelva el Favor – Pay it Forward
Tan orgullosa como ella es de su propio jornada trabajando con nuestro programa de violencia doméstica Secret Garden BFL-Pay-It-Forward, Zenaida T. habla más apasionadamente sobre el impacto que su libertad del abuso ha tenido en sus hijos.
Después de años de violencia doméstica que "se sintió como una camisa de fuerza que nunca fue removida" Zenaida encontró seguridad, consejería y curación en el Jardín Secreto. Mientras recuperaba su propia vida y dignidad, empezó… read more
Pay It Forward
As proud as she is of her own journey working with our Secret Garden domestic violence program, Zenaida T. speaks most passionately about the impact her freedom from abuse has had on her children.
After years of domestic violence that “felt like a strait jacket that was never removed” Zenaida found safety, counseling and healing at Secret Garden. As she reclaimed her own life and dignity, she began to see the changes… read more
La Historia de Olga: De la Casa de la Libertad a los Apartamentos BFL Un Camino de Esperanza
El día en que Olga encontró un resguardo seguro para ella y sus tres hijos en el refugio de Violencia Doméstica Freedom House de Barrier Free Living, es un momento que ella siempre apreciará.
Ese momento, sin embargo, fue sólo el comienzo de una camino que tomaría varios giros en los próximos años.
"Mi abusador me golpeó muy mal en la calle. La policía vino y lo llevó a la… read more
Olga’s Story: From Freedom House To BFL Apartments A Journey Of Hope
The day Olga found safe haven at Barrier Free Living's Freedom House Domestic Violence Shelter for herself and her three children is a moment she will forever cherish.
That moment, however, was only the beginning of a journey that would take several twists over the next several years.
"My abuser beat me up very bad on the street. The police came and took him to jail. That was in 2012,"… read more
Music and Mission
When he’s not exploring benefit and housing opportunities for Deaf /Hard of Hearing survivors of domestic violence, Secret Garden Case Manager is likely jamming on his sax
Attracted to Barrier Free Living's mission, in particular the agency’s powerful work with Deaf and Hard of Hearing survivors, Caelan joined the team this past year and hit the ground running. He took time out to answer a few questions about his first few months at… read more
New Start: Resident LeVar Jeffers
We had the honor of visiting Barrier Free Living Apartment resident LeVar Jeffers the day he moved into his new studio. The joy and sense of celebration was palatable.
“I came from the streets. This is a new start to get my life together,” says LeVar.
Now that he has a safe home, LeVar plans to pursue computer repair school and study martial arts… read more
Nuevo comienzo: Residente LeVar Jeffers
Tuvimos el honor de visitar al residente LeVar Jeffers de Barrier Free Living Apartments el día en que se trasladó a su nuevo estudio. La alegría y el sentido de la celebración era apetecible.
"Vine de las calles. Este es un nuevo comienzo para recuperar mi vida", dice LeVar.
Ahora que tiene un hogar seguro, LeVar planea estudiar la reparación de computadoras y estudiar las artes marciales."… read more
The Giving Group Hosts Holiday In July At Freedom House
Inspired by "A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World" Julie Pasqual and some friends created "The Giving Group" and set out to turn their compassionate energy outward.
Their generosity found a home at BFL's Freedom House this summer, where the group created a "Holiday in July" party for the domestic violence shelter's families. Pasqual has been donating her time doing yoga classes at Freedom… read more
The Giving Group Organiza Un Día de Fiesta en Julio en Freedom House
Inspirados por el libro, "A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World", Julie Pasqual y algunos amigos crearon "The Giving Group" y se dispusieron a desviar su energía compasiva hacia afuera.
Su generosidad encontró un hogar en Freedom House de BFL este verano, donde el grupo creó un "Un Día de Fiesta en Julio" para las familias del refugio de violencia doméstica. Pasqual ha estado donando su tiempo impartiendo clases de yoga en Freedom House durante… read more